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The Sacred Male and Sacred Female joined create the Sacred Child. These are the Two that are One and the One that is Two. We are the Sacred Children when the divine circuit is formed and the Kundalini begins its flows in and around the body. We are the fruit of the divine womb. As the Kundalini changes us from within so are we introduced to the new and different thoughts, feelings, skills, and wisdoms that are part of an agenda that reaches far beyond the mere physical expression.
We become members of an expanded order of understanding. This comes about as the new skills and feelings attach to our previous modes of thought and information and we endeavour to place into a linear format that which isn't linear. Intuition and knowingness fill in the gaps of what we are able to place within the confines of our limited five sense awareness and we often narrow our focus to fit that model even when the Kundalini thrusts us into areas that are far beyond those parameters. This helps us to stay sane in a situation that could easily go another way. - lol
We are the Sacred Third and we are all only children meaning we are the only fruit of this union. When Sacred Male and Female unite for this agenda the goal is for evolution and a merging of worlds. A way of walking in more than one understanding of life and creation. This is why we have the visions of Divinity and of other where worlds and peoples and creatures of another line of creation not of our familiar understandings.
We need to understand that our Sacred Parents are always within us never outside of us and are not represented by other persons as their Sacred Parents are also within them. Remember we are the sole child of our personal trinity. No one is another's Sacred Male or Female. We come from this union an intact trinity. A working family in a single physical expression. Kundalini is the act of birthing the Sacred Child. A living breathing bridge between the mundane and the divine. - some thoughts - chrism
We become members of an expanded order of understanding.