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What does it mean to be healed?
Does it mean that all of your ills and pains and wants and needs are taken care of?
Where is your responsibility in the allowing of these issues into your life?
What are you willing to do in order for change to occur?
What are you willing to give in order to receive?
Once the problem is solved do you go back to the same patterns of behavior that brought it upon you in the first place? Out of sight out of mind? Like a smoker with emphysema puffing away on a cigarette. Or an alcoholic continuing to drink alcohol as the liver disintagrates, or any behavior that attracts disease to be continued because the pain or the problem is no longer in your face, so to speak.
What will you be willing to do, what service will you be willing to perform for another in crisis?
How will you stay clear of the situations that put your life and or limbs in harms way after you receive?
What are you willing to do for yourself that healing may be attained?
Please consider these questions as you begin to approach the possibilities of being healed or Initiating a healing by unconventional means. These questions are as important to answer for yourself as are the protocols for ingesting medicines. Kundalini healing can be very effective for those who can begin the process of change in their lives. Permanent change.
It can also be very destructive in its application upon a body that is not willing to accept modifications in preventing the reason for disease being present.
The Kundalini practitioner takes a risk of incurring the Karma of a person they treat if that person is unwilling to discontinue the activities both of mind and body and of Karma at the time of the treatment. The K practitioner must be able to see the patterns of probability of the patient in order to make the correct observation in whether to or not to administer the treatment.
If the practitioner gives to a person that is unwilling to make the required changes the Kundalini can magnify the issue in that patient depriving them of the time they may need to make the appropriate decisions and speeding the pain and death of that person. This transfers and assigns that patients Karma back to the Kundalini practitioner.
It is best, if there is any question about a person's suitability to be healed, to proceed by asking Divinity to give what can be held by the person at the time. Sometimes they will be able to hold very little. Sometimes they can hold much of the charge. It depends upon them and their willingness to make what changes that are required and to what degree they are able to receive this healing.
These are some things to consider.
The practitioner should be aware of where they are inside the activation/awakening of the Kundalini in themselves and what the communication is with the energy and themselves.
They must realize that not all people can be or should be healed. That tremendous learning for family and friends and the patient can be achieved by the death of the person. This then asks the question is death a bad thing? Is it a condition to be avoided at all cost? Source yourself for these answers and see where you feel. Death and life are inextricably intertwined on this plane, on this world. Eat something and know it experienced death to give you life.
Healing is one of the gifts we recognize here, at least I do. Healing does occur but not without a commitment on the part of the giver and the receiver.
From the giver sincerity love and separation from outcomes are necessary among other attributes. From the receiver the willingness to follow through with extraordinary therapies at times and with the openness and honesty enough to know when a problem or mannerism or attitude is being repeated that caused the illness in the first place.
The responsibility goes beyond the actual fact of the healing and if the reasons for the illness or injury persist then the illness can return. Just something to remember as we begin to prepare ourselves to give and receive. Both sets of Qualities are experienced by both parties and will be particular to the individual you are, and the issues you carry. - blessings - chrism
Kundalini healing can be very effective for those who can begin the process of change in their lives. Permanent change.