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Marijuana is not a plant that I will suggest anyone use in any way for any reason.
If a person has had extensive experience with this plant certain areas of the crown can become overheated and over energized and can in some cases have a damaging effect. A burning of the lotus petals can be experienced. This goes for the throat chakra as well and can initiate the de-energizing of the second (over time).
Moderate users can become addicted to its effects but some positive benefits can be accessed. The safeties can take on a powerful position while inside the THC. They can be come quite strong in what is given and what is released.
The same experience can be had by practicing them with earnest and sincere motivations which the THC can sap. If you have used this for years but have stopped do not fear or wonder if your past historical use of these plant has done any permanent damage. If you are inside its usage do consider removing yourself from its influence and approaching the Kundalini without this application of a potential dependency.
As far as Mushrooms
go it is one thing if you are brought up in a culture that uses them
for the advancements they can give it is quite another to use them
by yourself or with other recreationally minded people.
Mushrooms do not have to kill you or drive you nuts. When they are
mixed with an intention of awakening the Kundalini or "finding God"
or any of a number of intentions the response can be far more than
the individual can handle. So much so that years of painful
restorative processes can need to be utilized to come back into
balance with the physical expression.
This doesnt happen to everyone and some can have a bright and
interesting experience with light bearing fungii and plants. But if
you do not have guidance you run certain risks.
I do not promote or support anyone using these avenues to activate
the Kundalini. An endocrine system is hard to replace.
Magic Mushrooms can just blow you wide open. Some of THE WORST Kundalini experiences can be had by the use of this chemical for those with a natural leaning towards the expression of the Kundalini. So not saying "everyone".
Please be advised. This can activate you but in a way that throws you into the fire.
Kundalini takes time. For a person to increase their personal frequencies to the point where they can:
1) Activate it
2) Hold that activation
3) Allow for the changes to occur because of the activation
4) Turn that activation into an awakening
There is no rush, this isn’t a race. Go slow and bring the body into a condition for the expression of the Kundalini. Give yourself a chance to breathe first.
Psilocybin thrusts a person into the astral through all of the protective aspects of the auric shell and into the waiting arms of many unfortunate experiences. Literally.
Doesn’t happen every time. But for those with a predilection towards the Kundalini it can have a devastating effect. So to be safe. I would advise those of you here looking to activate the Kundalini to stay away from Psilocybin.
Alcohol is more damaging that most other substances for the human body in general and I do not suggest its use by anyone. I know consuming it is a popular thing to do.
One must source their priorities when looking at some of these popular yet damaging practices. Same goes for smoking or meth usage or any other kind of cellular destruction we employ in the name of "recreation".
If you "must" indulge in alcohol then the least damaging will be that of wine or some of the less processed beers. In a definite mode of conscious moderation.
It may seem that I am approaching this from a point of being unaffected by the legality aspects and the "nutritional" assumptions that the government and medical establishment place upon the consumption of alcohol and you would be correct in thinking so.
I do not buy into that programming. But these are just my thoughts on it, you will do what you please. But please note that in the context of the Kundalini the less you do the better.
Ayahuasca also known as the "Vine of Life" can bring the Kundalini into an active state. If there is a plant that I would use for this purpose, Ayahuasca would be it. Once again though taking Ayahuasca with out conditioning the body, and mind, and psychology, in order to process what occurs, can lead to a scary or unfortunate experience though these types of experiences with the Ayahuasca are not common.
Guidance and protocols are, once again, key to the experience being positive and safe. I would not suggest doing this at home alone or with the kids running around. There is a degree of reverence and respect for this process that needs to be honored.
It wont always happen. It does sometimes. It isn’t needed unless you are in a hurry or are guided to do so. I wont recommend it at all, but if you do feel guided to do so then Ayahuasca is the "only one" I will suggest.
Conditioning the bodies. Emotional, mental, spiritual, physical; this will give you results and the ability to hold it without going nuts. This is what I recommend. This will take you the farthest and allow you to hold it and increase that holding as you progress upon the path.
It requires working with issues and areas with in that are not always fun and not always with interesting phenomena. But it works and it's safe and it allows you to go beyond into the areas of phenomena and sensation. And as you pass those attention tests you go into the important areas further up the mountain. ‐ blessings ‐ chrism
Conditioning the bodies. Emotional, mental, spiritual, physical; this will give you results and the ability to hold it without going nuts. This is what I recommend. This will take you the farthest and allow you to hold it and increase that holding as you progress upon the path.