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Kundalini can give knowledge and awareness of specific information, even though the person has never studied or partaken of such activities which would in a linear context allow for that knowledge to be received.
One merely "knows" often instantly about a certain subject or aspects of a foreign subject. In my experience this comes often and is a way that I am able to give and access information about others in a service context.
It is an aspect of surrender. A way of clearing away the ego based "I know this" or "I know that" and allowing a clarity of openness that is as a way of being receptive to what is offered without "knowing". It is often instantaneous and subtle as information gently comes in and is immediately ready for expressing without any struggle or work. It comes to you. It may not always stay.
I often soon forget what is given regarding an individual’s private issues as a memory of them is not in the best interest of either me or that person. So the Kundalini takes it away if the service is complete. This is a way of "separation" that ensures the integrity of the service being given.
For me the purpose and intent of knowing the information does need to be connected to a high morality of service for others or a way of helping another. Sometimes it helps me when I am in need of specific knowledge in my daily life that will not affect others.
This is a skill that is open to most Kundalini people though not commonly expressed. It does take some ego control as many of the Kundalini skills will need some ego control. - blessings all - chrism
... the purpose and intent of knowing the information does need to be connected to a high morality of service for others ...