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Many people with active Kundalini will not be experiencing the OBE states as the body is being transformed and the transformation has an anchoring effect of the soul body to the earth body often on the Kundalini active individual. This isn’t a permanent condition so no worries if you have been active with the OBEs and now find yourself somewhat grounded. The changes need to be made first before you out of body with an active Kundalini signature.
This is a post of some slow motion OBE experiences I had back in 1987 and 88 while living in the Yosemite Valley in the California Sierra Mountains. - blessings - chrism
Some people who are drawn to interests such as the OBE already hear certain high pitched frequencies in their daily awake life. I know I do and have for many years. Sometimes the frequencies can be so loud and annoying as to come under the diagnosis of tinnitus. An uncontrolled and un-sourcable quality of loud sounds coming into the hearing centers of the brain. Sometimes as loud as a passing locomotive or a jet aircraft taking off. This isn't about tinnitus though.
It is about the very high pitched frequencies sometimes changing sometimes unchanging. Extremely high sounds that can be heard if one stills the conscious self enough to listen. The frequencies are always there for me and I consciously send out my own frequencies to harmonize with them. I go up a third over them for a nice blend.-lol
Sometimes when I have OBEd in slow motion, like some here will do i.e. when I have lifted out of the body slowly and one section of the body at a time I have heard these frequencies become extremely loud and increased in volume. I hear multiple frequencies and they almost become as a scream of sound at different pitches all at once as I continue to lift out or roll out per Robert Monroe's techniques. Typically when going from a sleep paralyzed position into the OBE following the vibrations. This would occur for me back in 1987 pre Kundalini.
This force of sound I feel is the change in the position not of the source of the sound but of the person sensing it. As we exit the body and inhabit for a time both physical and the external or astral body we are quickly thrust into areas of densities that are similar and yet far different than what we know to be as high or low or thick or thin at the same time, and even though we carry familiar concepts with us and sculpt our experiences with in them it doesn't change the dynamics of the densities that are there merely our interactions and perceptions within them. Nothing is wrong and no damage is being done. It is to me the equivalent of the sound of a lock being turned by a key or the hinges of a door being heard to move. My opinion of it anyway.
The first time I heard this it scared me badly as I was rolling out of my body towards the left I could literally hear what felt like the fabric of sound tearing and screaming out its pain at my incursion. In my fear I snapped back into the body with no apparent damage done. I learned from this and other similar experiences that when we leave the body sometimes our physical senses will pick up and process phenomena that is and isn't of the physical at the same time. As the consciousness is in the body and outside of it at the same time a blending of stimulus can be experienced. Like when one sits up in the body while the rest of the body is still reclined.
Much depends on where the consciousness is predisposed to experience and everyone is unique in that area. This could be a slow motion version of the "Whoosh" or the "thunderclap" or the "pops" and many of the other "sudden" sounds one experiences at the point of separation. When the consciousness leaves quickly these sounds and the dynamics of them can pass so fast as to barely be noticed as the person can exit the physical and causal bodies so rapidly as to exclude or diminish them. Or their own guidance is helping to dampen these phenomena.
These are merely my experiences and conclusions and no attempt to explain anybody else's experiences with it is being given. Just some thoughts on some slow OBE separations I have had and the phenomena associated with them. - blessings - chrism
Much depends on where the consciousness is predisposed to experience and everyone is unique in that area.