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When it happens it is beyond anything a person may have ever experienced in the body. Some astral traveling experiences may approach this feeling but when it comes there is really nothing that comes close or is even similar to it.
This joy seems everlasting in its effect upon the person. Nothing can break it. Not heat of day or pain from wound can abrogate it. It is a love of endless proportions far outside of the human conscious ability to understand. I am having trouble even now finding words that can even approach the immense majesty, full heart exploding loving silence filled music of feelings, of love, in love, fulfilled and fulfilling, of unity, of complete harmony, of JOY!. Regardless of what the body is experiencing at the moment it is having this experience.
Like the emotional palette the human consciousness draws from on a daily basis. This blending of amplified multi platformed love also draws us into separate feelings of the qualities of compassion and empathy, sympathy and cheerfulness and intense personal joys that transcend any mere societal or physical induced fleeting moments of pleasure. So many different forms of love experienced at the same time.
This is a taste of the heavenly fields. A home coming harvest of love for all creation. Good, bad, and the many layers of what we insert into those qualities do not exist anymore as the world of life becomes an exquisite tapestry of creative loving intention. A conscious thought that extends into the deepest areas of our lives and allows us a look into what we are outside of the little (i). Outside of our ego.
This is the joy that brings everyone back.
This is the quality of love and completion that will cause people to search and search and try and try to regain that special place of love and joy. For the rest of their lives they will search as so little of it can be had inside of a society based in a focus of "different" qualities of expression.
Kundalini brings this joy.
But the price one pays is the development of the body that it becomes able to "hold" the intensity of this love for a much longer period then a brief moment. All of the expressions of the physical and the spiritual aspects of a soul and consciousness encased in flesh must change. They must evolve. This evolution is modulated by the Kundalini.
The ego is used to controlling the expressions of the soul in the body. Therefore it is this part of the person that must completely surrender control of the body to the Kundalini. Not to a Guru or a teacher or a statue or an animal or any material based form representing divinity. But to that divinity itself as it resides in you at this moment.
The Kundalini in you.
Blessings to all in your surrender and evolution into these qualities. - chrism
This is a taste of the heavenly fields. A home coming harvest of love for all creation. Good, bad, and the many layers of what we insert into those qualities do not exist anymore as the world of life becomes an exquisite tapestry of creative loving intention.