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Split viewing is a method of selectively viewing the physical and the energetic in overlays of attention and attenuation. Viewing this way can control the issue of becoming lost in realities. Not all experience this but some do and it can become a problem when a person is unable to distinguish between the dream or waking state due to Kundalini transformation.
For many years I would look at the world of spirit and would see very strange and beautiful entities and vistas. For me they were always separate but could be combined by the use of conscious overlays of attention by simply blending them with intention and an inner adjustment that would attenuate the realities into combination. Then the direct spiritual and energetic reality would be inside the physical or vice versa. This was always a choice for me and entailed a certain mindset which is what I will try and explain to you now.
Look at a person or object eyes open and notice the fine details of what it is you are seeing. Where it is, how it is. Now with out moving or changing your position close your eyes for a moment and see the object behind your eyes and then validate it by opening and seeing with the physical eyes. Do this over and over and as you do this extend the amount of time viewing with the physical eyes closed. At first you will be using your memory, this will give way to expectation, which will give way to attenuation. At no time is imagination being used.
As you practice this and feel fairly competent with the first steps, begin to view the object behind your eyes while only viewing it once with the physical eyes. With your eyes closed change your position of viewing without moving your body. With your presence behind your closed eyes move to view the object from the side or from behind the object. This is an attenuation. Same object, eyes closed, validate by opening briefly if you need too, and attenuating the view by moving your energy to a different place without moving your physical being.
Writing it makes it seem harder than it is. It's quite simple.
Practice your attenuation's. Daily. Start to build your intention towards learning this skill.
An overlay is an attenuation on a grand scale. Instead of just shifting your energetic positioning, you now shift your energetic permeability by just allowing a visica pisces to develop between the two realities. In other words at the place where two circles intersect, the vesica pisces, attenuate your viewing to this locale. Same way you did the object at the beginning by deciding "Hmm I think I will look behind the object now...." You make the choice to view the other reality with the physical reality. Much of this will happen automatically as your "feel" for this practice increases. Don't be discouraged if you don't do this immediately, Be patient with yourself, realize that like your other skills it will take a bit of practice and intention to see results. Well ok, pun intended, (smile). - if you have questions about this please feel free to ask.
This skill gives you the ability to view spirit intentionally and differentiate realities. The other reality has many beautiful sights and some very upsetting ones so be clear with what it is you seek. Once you have this skill it does not go away easily. I would suggest this for K active people only as they have to deal with the spiritual this way anyway. Refrain from viewing the deceased - Blessings to you all - chrism
The other reality has many beautiful sights and some very upsetting ones so be clear with what it is you seek.