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Fear can be a major player in what you begin to manifest with the sudden onset of the Kundalini. This is a natural response to such an unknown and powerful, unbidden series of phenomena. Please be aware that it is completely in your domain of power and control to create patterns of response that do not incorporate the fearful response in ways that are harmful.
To understand this on a deeper level we can begin to comprehend that what we experience with in tactile parameters also has an energetic counterpart or component. Mental, emotional, and physical "expectations", based upon the interpretation of the limited physical conscious experience, can often begin to initiate a form of "creation" for the phenomena being felt. So as we try to make sense of what is occurring we are, in fact, starting to create specific symptoms that correlate with our expectations.
Much of what we experience that is of an unknown quantity and quality will be initially received in fear. That fear can begin to program the experience. With the Kundalini there are many different symptoms and phenomena. And they can come all at once or singularly or in combinations. As you feel this phenomena begin to be present with in yourself be consciously aware of how you are processing this experience. And if you are going into a fear based response initiate a change of emotional reception immediately.
Bring it into a positive point of reference consciously and intentionally. This will not confine you to only experience the positive natures of the Kundalini but will help you to formulate a platform of processing the complete experience that is in an area of balance rather than a fight or flee paradigm.The negative will still be there to be learned from. Make it a habit to do this point of reference selection and this will begin to have a very strong molding and sculpting of the mechanisms for your interpretive and receptive experience with the Kundalini.
By engaging in this conscious process you will be able to discern both areas of experience without being dominated by either one. This allows you to become open to the "Third Element".
The Third Element is the channel of information and reception that opens up when a person experiences a balanced position inside a Kundalini awakening. This is a goal that must be sought and consciously and consistently striven for. The Third Element doesn't require that you be in balance for a communication to be experienced. It is for your clarity and conscious understanding of what "is being communicated" that is understood with more clarity from a balanced interpreted phenomenon. It is for your understanding of the communication.
The Third Element is "Divine communication"
This is as real as the heat and the energy up your spine but must be cultivated for its clarity to be received. Fear will block this communication or distort it. This can be fleeting or non-existent to the newly arrived Kundalini. Shifting your perspective of how you experience fear will begin to open it up. The Third Element communications are always beneficial and guiding. Much of what I write and do comes from this area. It is essential to come from a platform of balance. For example:
"Not all death is bad and not all crying is sad."
There are different reasons for a similar response with in the physical human and emotional human structure. Cutting through society induced and culturally induced expected response can help to clear up these communications. The Third element communications will come from all vectors of experience. It is for you to open to and partake of as a fulfillment of the initial "Trinity" of the Kundalini experience. You must seek to consciously do this. - blessings - chrism
The Third Element is "Divine Communication"
This is as real as the heat and the energy up your spine but must be
cultivated for its clarity to be received.chrism