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Visions are a form of communication. They are a directed intention and may be experienced by more than one person. Each person will have their own interpretation and experience of the same vision though. IE some will have movies or some will have interactive holographic experiences or some will have flashes of still like pictures to name a few.
Intention as a carrier wave is used for the deliverance of specific information to be received by the individual in a visual format (often more than a single sensorial function) that is in most cases particular to them though not always. This wave is an organized stream of data or information that contains content that is applicable to a specific theme or experience the receiver may be having or about to have or has received in the past.
It is directed or picked up by attributes in the receiver that are able to take in this information stream and to some degree decipher it into an intelligible format that they will be able to apply in the present or in the future.
Those who send the vision are in many cases testing and teaching and helping those who receive to hone and practice the use of these skills and to trust the feelings of truth or untruth as a way of discernment. As a way of education about multiple layers of conscious and unconscious expression. - blessings - chrism
Visions ... are a directed intention and may be experienced by more than one person.