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For those of you inside the beginning of an infusion or who have had aspects already awakened, please be advised as to how this can have effect upon your emotional stability via the second chakra.
As this is released into the body and the body has no where to run too, or reason to run, this can have the effect of turning into a very easily accessed temper or another form and representation of the "Fight" aspect of the syndrome. The "Flee" aspect will be internalized as fear. Fear of what ever issues you may harbor. Typically irrational fears.
So watch for these please and do your best to recognize them and to balance them with the knowledge that they are aspects of the Kundalini process occurring with in you and that they are stimulation's as opposed to actual transgressions inflicted by others or events upon you. - blessings and balance - chrism
...inside the beginning of an infusion ... please be advised as to how this can have effect upon your emotional stability via the second chakra.