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It isn't going to happen here. Not by the Shaktipat that is given here at least by that which flows through me. (The "sitepat" has very little barriers though so be advised.) There are far too many safety issues involved for this to be done in this way. And I do insist on certain forms of conditioning prior to any kind of transference.
If you are in this group merely to receive Shaktipat with the expectation of instant Kundalini I am sorry you have wasted your time.
Read the safeties and practice them for as long as you can and then we can discuss a Shaktipat within those guidelines.
Also in regards to re-experiencing a Kundalini event years gone by. The initial foray of Kundalini on the body has as you know some very discernable and definite effects upon the body. These are caused by the initial flow in and upon the body and its response to that flow.
There can be only "one" first time in any experience and your first time with Kundalini may not be able to be repeated. Other experience can be had but that first expression of Kundalini on the body is a premier event and typically not repeated unless that event is acted upon and continued. If that is the case then you do not need a Shaktipat - lol.
Sometimes the gifts that are given are presented to propel a person into actions and attitudes of personal self discovery or the acquisition of teachings that support the fearless and love based Kundalini expression in the body. Not many teachings out there do this but there are some. We do this here. - blessings - chrism
Sometimes the gifts that are given are presented to propel a person into actions and attitudes of personal self discovery or the acquisition of teachings that support the fearless and love based Kundalini expression in the body.