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If someone comes up to you and starts to show you how powerful they are and in how many different ways they can control others do not fall for this obvious descent into an amoral expression. See this for the lessons that it holds.
Most Kundalini people will learn from the Shakti or their teacher that exhibitions of power are for ego expression and attachment towards self adulation. Be a bit wary of these individuals no matter how fantastic and proven their claims are. Some can be quite fantastic yet they are missing aspects of integrity that come with these skills such as the free will and choice of those they use as willing or unwilling subjects for their demonstrations.
Do not be quick to praise them silently or vocally as this is a further impediment to their evolution. Let them be and walk away. Do not attach to the demonstrations of Super Skills. Allow yourself to discern that which is truly amazing - Super Skills in the presence of a non self aggrandizement oriented individual. An egoless individual who moves with grace and radiates love without even knowing or trying. - A gift to all they encounter near and far by simply being. - blessings - chrism
Most Kundalini people will learn from the Shakti or their teacher that exhibitions of power are for ego expression and attachment towards self adulation.