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Unlike a traditional Shaktipat where it is often a onetime shot and you are where you land inside of the process, the shaktipat given here is not so prone to catapulting you into the process without any preparation. The receptions are given and controlled by you and your personal practice of the protocols. So you can take part in as many as you can handle.
I may not allow a person to take on another if I see them struggling inside an activation i.e. Emotional upset and imbalance or the other extreme symptoms that can manifest. This is my choice too. If a person is having severe headaches or Kriyas or other manifestation it is best to let those activities take their course.
Unlike an ashram scenario we have to work and go to school and raise kids and drive a car and work a cell phone or computer and if the activation is so strong that you cannot even stand then it can be a dangerous situation as your supports are being knocked out from under you by the process so it is best to go slow.
But if the Symptomatology is subtle and you are feeling you are able to handle more of a release and I also feel comfortable then yes by all means participate as many times as we both feel is best. You have control by virtue of your practice. I have control by virtue of the sending. It is a shared responsibility.
The idea is not to blow people out of the tops of their heads but to gently activate and allow them to "learn" to fish rather than "giving" them a fish to go biblical on you – lol.
I mean that. I want it to be soft. I do not want the Shaktipat so powerful that you go straight into fear. Doesn’t matter how experienced you feel you are or what the level of attunement one has received or how many OBEs one has had. This is different and can easily be "too much" for a person to hold all at once. So we go slow and easy. Gently. This is one of the reasons why we go seven days.
I apologize if this isn’t living up to expectations for an explosive moment. Remember who is doing the practice and what is taking from that practice and delivering a Shaktipat because of that practice. There is that filter in place, that governor.
Direct from me to you with out that filter or a regard for your sanity would be irresponsible.
There are enough tools that have been given here on this group site for the explosiveness one may wish to have. One only needs to "practice".
Don’t fear the Shaktipat. Initiating a Kundalini response can release some of our own past and present fears into the present time frame. Practice the safeties and this can be understood for the balancing that it is. No worries or fear.
Read the safeties over and over. Know them, practice them, and make them your new pattern of response. - blessings - chrism
It works. But you have to do some work for it to occur and this is a conditioning of the physical, emotional, mental, psychological, and spiritual bodies.